Agence immobilière Miremont
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Rent a garage or parking

Garage and parking rental

Do you want to rent a garage or a car park?
When the car park is rented at the same time as an accommodation, by the same owner, it can be considered as the accessory to the rental of the accommodation. It is then included in the same lease as the dwelling.

• When the dwelling is rented empty, the lease is subject, in principle, to the law of 6 July 1989 (Sheet 20-1: Rent an unfurnished property),
• When the dwelling is rented furnished, the lease is subject, if it is the tenant's main residence, to this particular regulation (Sheet 20-2: Rent a furnished dwelling).

If you rent a garage or car park in isolation, the law does not impose any special rule for this type of rental. In practice, it is common to set up a one-year lease, renewable automatically. But other durations – shorter or longer – are possible.

Note : the real estate agent's fees are generally the responsibility of the tenant, depending on what the agency's scale provides, when the garage is rented in isolation.

It is necessary to establish a written rental lease, and certain diagnoses must be attached (Sheet 10-2: mandatory diagnoses in case of rental).
During the lease, the tenant pays the rental charges and bears the repairs that are charged to him by the contract. Non-rental repairs are carried out by the lessor.

It is necessary to specify, in the lease, the conditions under which a leave may be issued by both the lessor and the tenant, as well as the possible notice period to be respected.

Good to know

In the event that several people rent the garage, it is possible to insert a clause governing the relationship between these tenants.

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