Agence immobilière Miremont

Sell before buying your property.

Sell before buying your property.
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Faut-il mieux vendre avant d'acheter ?

Are you considering selling your house in Miremont in order to buy a larger or better located one? Are you afraid of the transition between when you are going to sell your property and when you are going to buy ? We bring you some tips through this article. For the sale or purchase of a studio in Miremont, contact My Home Toulouse, a real estate agency specialized for several years in the sale of real estate.

Sell or buy first ?

For the past three years, the time taken to sell a property has lengthened. For the sale of a house or apartment, you will have to count on average more than three months. By selling your property before acquiring a new one, you will not have to take out a bridge loan. However, if you are unable to find a home that meets your criteria within three months of the sale, you will have to move to a temporary rental, which is not optimal from a financial point of view. On the other hand, buying a new home before you have sold the old one gives you all the time you need to find the house you dream of. According to the president of, Sébastien de Lafond, the ideal is to sign a promise of sale before committing to buy a new home.

The "buy-resell" loan : a solution ?

Offered by the majority of banks, the " buy-resell " loan includes the repurchase of the capital of the current credit related to the property for sale and the financing of the new property. You will therefore reimburse a single monthly payment, which may also include notary and moving costs. You will have two years to sell your house or apartment, and at the time of resale, you will repay part of the loan in advance, free of charge ! By opting for this type of loan, you can reduce your debt compared to a conventional bridge loan.

Si vous désirez investir à l’étranger, je vous conseille ce site pour acheter un bien immobilier en Algérie.
Posted on 14/05/2024 by

Looking for a property?

Whether it is a house sale or an apartment purchase in Miremont, My Home Toulouse is here to advise you and accompany you in your project. Expert in real estate in Miremont for several years, our agency My Home Toulouse is close to its customers. Our employees will bring you satisfaction and will meet all your expectations.

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