Agence immobilière Miremont
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The change of destination of a good

Change of destination

Transforming a professional premises into housing: the administrative authorizations to be obtained.

In search of an apartment to buy, you sometimes come across an ad for a commercial or industrial premises. Why not buy it to turn it into a beautiful apartment or loft? Faced with such a project, two difficulties will then arise, the possible work to be carried out and the authorizations to be obtained.

Prior consultations
This transformation, which is legally called a "change of destination", can be completely prohibited by local urban planning rules.

If you have a project, the first thing to do is to inquire with the town hall of the municipality of location of the property to know if there are oppositions to the transformation.

If the premises are in co-ownership , it will also be necessary to consult the co-ownership regulations to check the feasibility of the project. An authorization from the syndicate of co-owners may be essential.

Planning permission
The change of destination is subject to planning permission, that is to say, depending on the importance of the work that accompanies it:
• A prior declaration,
• Or a building permit.

Note If you do not touch the load-bearing structures or the façade and you do not do work that would normally require a building permit, you will only have to request a simple prior declaration for this change of destination.

The plus : the transformation of a professional premises into housing also has tax consequences, so once the change is made, do not forget to notify the tax administration to make the transition from the territorial economic contribution (CET) to the housing tax.

Good to know

The change of destination from a premises for professional use to a dwelling implies  fiscal changes (abolition of the territorial economic contribution, modification of the housing tax and the property tax). Indeed, the methods of calculation for those taxes are not calculated in the same way for individuals and for professionals.

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