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Real estate terms that start with S

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Letter S


The term "receiver" is used to refer to the amount of money that the buyer pays when he signs a compromise or a promise to sell. This sum is kept by the real estate agent, who takes out a financial guarantee (or by the notary, when the preliminary contract is signed at the notary)." It will be deducted from the sale price at the time of signing the authentic deed of sale.
The receiver constitutes a guarantee for the seller: if the buyer does not fulfill his obligations and refuses to sign the authentic deed of sale, the seller may claim compensation. He may refuse the return of the equestrian to the buyer. Indeed, the real estate agent can only return the receivership to the buyer with the agreement of the seller or a decision of the judge.


An easement is a charge imposed on one immovable property for the benefit of another immovable property. An easement can exist on land, or on built property.
It is attached to the good and is transmitted at the same time as it. There are different servitudes: of passage, of view, of drawdown, not to build ...
Thus, the easement of passage allows the owner of the land who benefits from it to pass on the property of his neighbor, who supports the easement of passage.
Easements may be recorded in the title deed, but they are not always listed.

Real estate company

The real estate company is constituted by two or more people, in order to manage, sell, or build one or more buildings. It is frequently a wealth management tool.
It is subject to articles 1845 et seq. of the Civil Code. To exist, it must be registered in the Trade and Companies Register.
It then obtains legal personality.
Before registering the SCI, the partners must draw up articles of association in writing. The articles of association define the rules of operation of the company. The SCI is represented by one or more managers, appointed by the articles of association or by the partners.

Syndic of co-ownership

When a property is subject to the rules of co-ownership, all the co-owners are gathered within the syndicate of co-owners. This union is a legal person, which must appoint its legal representative: the syndic.
The trustee can be a professional, holder of the real estate agent card, or a non-professional. He is appointed by the meeting of co-owners.
The syndic administers the immovable, executes the decisions of the co-owners, taken at the general meeting, and represents the syndicate of co-owners.
The law requires co-owners to appoint a trustee. If this were not the case, any interested person could apply to the judge for the appointment of a provisional administrator.

Syndicate of co-owners

When a property is subject to the rules of co-ownership, all the owners are automatically reunited within the syndicate of co-owners. The syndicate of co-owners is responsible for conserving the building and making decisions relating to the administration of the common elements.
The syndicate of co-owners has legal personality: it is a person within the meaning of the law. He is represented by the syndic.
The syndicate of co-owners makes its decisions at the meeting of co-owners.

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