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Application for split payment of inheritance tax

Inheritance costs

Your contact information
Contact details of the tax office of the deceased's domicile
Has...  (place), the ...  (date),

Registered letter acknowledgment of receipt
Subject: Application for split payment of inheritance tax

Dear Madam, Sir,

In my capacity as heir following the death of Mr...  (indicate the name and the relationship you had with the deceased), I allow myself to ask you for the payment of inheritance tax.

I owe a sum of ... €.
Due to ...  (specify your situation), I am currently unable to fully honor this charge.
I therefore wish to be able to benefit from the split payment of these duties.

The split can be spread as follows:
... payments of ... € as soon as the declaration of succession is filed and the ... remaining payments, payable at regular intervals of ... month.

Pending an answer from you, please believe, Madam, Sir, in the expression of my distinguished greetings.


Good to know

As bare heirs, you can request to defer the payment of inheritance tax up to 6 months after the death of the surviving spouse or the sale of the property.
The request must be made directly in the declaration of succession or on plain paper to the tax authorities.

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