Agence immobilière Miremont
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Report water damage to insurance

Water damage

Your contact information
Reference of your insurance policy
Insurer's contact information
Has...  (place), the ...  (date),

Registered letter acknowledgment of receipt
Subject: Declaration of water damage

Dear Madam, Sir,

Owner (or tenant) of an apartment (or house) located in ...  (full address), I allow myself to contact you in order to declare the occurrence of a water damage in my accommodation.
Indeed...  (explain the situation: when the disaster was discovered and how, if the origin was determined, etc...) .
(Possibly :) I also informed the trustee of my building, ...  (name of trustee) and my landlord ...  (name and contact details).

I am at your disposal for any additional information as well as for the implementation of an expertise allowing the assessment of damages.

Wishing you every success in receiving this statement, please accept, Madam, Sir, the expression of my best feelings.


Good to know

Be careful, it is not recommended to clean the disaster area and get rid of damaged elements before the passage of the expert or obtaining the agreement of the insurance. Indeed, this could make the assessment of damages more complex.

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