Agence immobilière Miremont
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The "Carrez" measurement

Carrez Law

When selling a condominium lot , the compromise (or promise of sale) and the authentic deed of sale must indicate the area of the private portion of the lot. This is called the "Carrez" measurement .

On the day of signature of the authentic deed, the notary gives a certificate mentioning the area of the private part of the lot.
It is not necessary to carry out the measurement of cellars, garages, car parks, or lots with an area of less than 8 m2.

The measurement must be carried out according to the rules defined by law. Some surfaces should not be taken into account. Thus, the " Carrez " surface is the floor area of enclosed and covered premises after deduction of the surfaces occupied by walls, partitions, steps and stairwells, ducts, doorways and windows. No account shall be taken of the floors of parts of the premises with a height of less than 1m 80.

The law does not require that the measurement be carried out by a professional, however, if it appears, after the sale, that the area of the lot is more than 5% less than that mentioned in the deed, the buyer will obtain the reduction in the price in proportion to the actual area of the lot. He must take legal action within one year of the signing of the authentic deed of sale.

Finally, if the contract does not mention the surface of the lot, the buyer can obtain the nullity of the sale. He must take legal action within one month of the signing of the authentic deed of sale.

Good to know

Lots or fractions of condominium lots whose surface area is less than 8m², as is the case for example of some service rooms, are not taken into account in the measurement or footage Carrez law. They are, however, in the case of the simultaneous sale of several contiguous lots intended to be brought together to constitute, after work, a single dwelling.

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