Agence immobilière Miremont
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Have your property managed by an agency

Manage by a real estate agency

The real estate agent, holder of the professional card bearing the mention "property management" has the power to administer the property entrusted to him. The real estate agent property administrator is a professional agent , who carries out all the operations of management of urban, rural, residential, commercial, or professional buildings.

The owner (or lessor) signs a management mandate with the real estate agent, who will represent him in his relationship with the tenant, throughout the lease.

Thus, the administrator performs, in the name and on behalf of the lessor, all the acts necessary for the management of the property: call the rents, collect them, pay the lessor the sums due to him, carry out the inventory of fixtures, establish the statement of return of the security deposit ...

The management mandate established between the real estate agent and the lessor defines the obligations of the manager, and fixes his remuneration, in accordance with his scale. It also provides for when the funds are returned to the lessor, and according to what periodicity the property manager reports on his mission.

The real estate agent benefits from civil liability insurance and a financial guarantee, which protects the funds he holds on behalf of his principal.

Good to know

Rental management by a real estate agent is a huge time saver, because you do not have to carry out the visits, the inventory of fixtures, the drafting of the lease and the rent receipts, etc.

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